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Horizon Europe

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Mobility is crossing a new digital frontier in terms of connectivity, allowing vehicles to communicate to each other, to the infrastructure and to other transport systems users. However, the potential implications and impacts of integration of CCAM solutions into the mobility system are not well understood neither for specific actors nor for the systems level. MOVE2CCAM will: i) explore the impact of CCAM passenger and freight solutions; define use cases, business models and KPIs through co-creation activities with the “Satellites”, and ii) develop a practical system dynamics-based impact assessment tool that will enable the evaluation of CCAM interventions’ impact on mobility-, socio-economic-, public health- and environmental-related aspects considering diverse European region specifics and different actors’ needs, objectives and perceptions. The Satellites is a multi-systems network of actors across the whole CCAM ecosystem consisting of industries, authorities, researchers citizens, and orbits around the project by participating in a series of co-creation activities. Case studies for different types of organisations, dialogues, social simulation experiments, virtual reality games, and AV demonstrations take place in 8 European countries and at a pan-European level to collect data and specify the multi-systems impacts of CCAMs. The impact assessment tool will allow stakeholders to test and evaluate the system-wide impacts of CCAM interventions along with a range of complementary policies providing also a series of KPIs (within the project it is applied for Helmond(NL), GZM(PL), and Aegean Islands(GR). Given these activities, MOVE2CCAM significantly contributes to a well-founded understanding of the impacts of CCAMs. It will deliver impact evaluation frameworks and tools with KPIs covering sectors such as society, economy, and the environment; policy recommendations for CCAM partnerships and large-scale demonstrations; and recommendations for SUMP.

EIT Urban Mobility: Pro-MaaS Project

February 14, 2020

Title: Policies and Regulations required for enabling the MaaS concept

Novel regulatory approaches and governance schemes supporting policy makers in Europe lead a successful transition towards Mobility as a Service. The project aims to identify drivers, barriers, enablers and challenges for the effective deployment of MaaS and the realisation of its expected benefits, building on international best practice while adapting to existing local regulatory frameworks and market conditions. The project will assess the mobility outlooking Europe and provide recommendations on implementing strategic roadmaps for MaaS. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing review in disruptive mobility problems from a regulatory point of view adding MaaS, especially at the city level and with an European scope. Several cities around Europe are applying different regulatory policies regarding MaaS, with its pros and cons. Hence, the project gives a clear picture and proposes new regulations, since without a clear regulation it is difficult  to design business strategies.

EIT Urban Mobility: UMAM project

February 14, 2020

Title: Analyse City Club cities with Urban Mobility Auditing Model (UMAM)

This project is to develop the analytical tool: urban mobility auditing model (UMAM). This tool will analyse the mobility performance of cities and develop a framework to scale up solutions/blueprints. More than 10 members of  City Club will use UMAM to assess the strengths, weaknesses and potential of their urban mobility system. The assessment will support cities to accelerate their strategic development in order to achieve better performance and is intended to be carried out yearly. In 2020 this activity contains the following developments:
• Introduce a tool to analyse the mobility systems of cities to propose and monitor improvements.
• Develop a tool that combines MaaS Maturity Index and Morgenstadt Framework/Index.
• Analyse all City Club Cities (12-16) with UMAM (afterwards yearly).
• Create a baseline to identify the potential for improvement.


March 11, 2019

HARMONY envisages developing a new generation of harmonised spatial and multimodal transport planning tools which comprehensively model the dynamics of the changing transport sector and spatial organisation, enabling metropolitan area authorities to lead the transition to a low carbon new mobility era in a sustainable manner. Small-scale demonstrations with Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and drones take place to understand in real-life their requirements and collect data to be used for modelling. The HARMONY model suite is also linked to the EC's EU-wide model TRIMODE to further identify the impact of the concepts and technologies on the TEN-T level. HARMONY's concepts and the model suite are applied and validated on six EU metropolitan areas on six TEN-T corridors: 1. Rotterdam (NL), 2. Oxfordshire (UK), 3. Turin (IT), 4. Athens (GR), 5. Trikala(GR), 6. Upper Silesian-Zaglebie Metropolis (PL). Project starts in June 2019.

January 01, 2020

EIT Urban Mobility is dedicated to accelerating solutions that improve our collective use of urban spaces, while ensuring accessible, convenient, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable multimodal mobility.

EIT Urban Mobility’s objective is to rethink urban spaces, overcoming fragmentation by integrating all urban mobility players – including cities and citizens – and increasing social inclusion and equality.

By accelerating the products, services and processes for cities, EIT Urban Mobility will reimagine collective and individual mobility, shaping it according to local needs, supporting communities and stimulating the economy.

January 01, 2020

SHARE-MORE stands for SHAREd MObility Rewards.

It is a 500k EURO research project funded by the EIT Urban Mobility; the consortium consists of 6 partners. The project aims to optimize the added value of car sharing services and promote a portfolio of transport services that enable and encourage sustainable urban mobility. The effectiveness and sustainability of carsharing integration into the bundle of transportation services will be achieved by understanding the needs of the three main stakeholders: travelers, transport authorities, and service providers, and by providing personalized incentives tailored to the needs of all the three stakeholders. The incentives will be designed to increase car sharing efficient use while contributing to the integration with the existing overall transportation system and its sustainability. The project will balance the needed knowledge base through its consortium consisting of universities, cities and car sharing commercial company to understand the underlying mechanisms of potential incentive designs, develop a specific incentive scheme, and pilot the proposed scheme within a real car sharing service.

UCL MaaSLab’s Role:

UCL MaaSLab designs the survey tools required to collect travel behaviour data, as well as reactions and attitudes and perceptions of the users of shared mobility systems in Tel-Aviv, Copenhagen, Munich and London. UCL MaaSLab also develops the user segmentation behavioural analysis techniques, and new mobility services product design methods to investigate preferences, pricing, and personalised incentives for car-sharing.



June 29, 2018

GECKO stands for "Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems"

GECKO’s main goal is to support authorities with tools and recommendations for new regulatory frameworks to lead the transition to the new mobility era of cooperative, inclusive, competitive, sustainable and interconnected mobility across all modes, through evidence-based research. GECKO provides a holistic approach with innovative concepts, methodologies and forward-looking tools to enable this transition to take place, leading to new, adaptive and anticipatory regulatory schemes and balanced governance. GECKO is funded by the EC H2020 programme.

GECKO Stakeholder Workshop in London on 24 and 25 October: The GECKO workshop invited 24 key stakeholders, including representatives from the industry, the local and regional authorities, the public transport authorities and associations, NGOs, and research institutions. They contributed through their experience in the design and implementation of new mobility solutions, the new cooperation model between public and private sectors, and the future regulatory framework for new mobility services.

Review of Business Models for New Mobility Services: GECKO has grouped new mobility services and technologies into four categories: connected, cooperative and automated mobility; infrastructure, network and traffic management; MaaS and MaaS platforms; shared on-demand mobility. This project adopts the Osterwalder business model canvas and business ecosystem to understand how new mobility services and technologies create, deliver, and capture value in these four innovation categories. Following multiple interviews with practitioners, the aggregated data analysis shows that each innovation category has its own distinctive value proposition

Market Analysis on New Mobility Services and Technologies: GECKO has conducted a comprehensive market analysis (i.e., market readiness, market positioning and market maturity) on new mobility services and technologies. Specific case studies included: connected and automated vehicles, passenger urban air mobility, drone last mile delivery, big data for fleet management and logistics, traffic management 2.0, hyperloop, MaaS, car-pooling, bike-sharing, ride-hailing, on demand ride-sharing, and crowd shipping.

May 31, 2018

The aim of the She Drives KSA research project is to examine and analyse the travel behavior and activity patterns of women mobility in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia BEFORE and AFTERwomen are allowed to drive, and to identify the impacts of this decision on the aspects of sustainable development and traffic safety in the Kingdom.


End-to-End Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobility.

The main goal of MaaS4EU is to provide quantifiable evidence, frameworks and tools to enable the MaaS concept, by addressing challenges under four pillars: Business, End Users/Customers, Technology-Data and Policies. MaaS4EU is funded by the EC H2020 programme.

MaaS Maturity Index

The MaaS Maturity Index (MMI) is a framework and calculation tool developed to assess the readiness of metropolitan areas for the implementation of MaaS.  Various characteristics which affect the likelihood of a successful MaaS implementation are assessed to determine an aggregate score showing how ready a city is to implement MaaS.


The calculator can be used to demonstrate what improvements are needed to make a city ready for MaaS.  Scores can be compared across cities, showing where MaaS providers could have the greatest impact. 

Feasibility Study for "Mobility as a Service" concept for London – FS-MaaS

The objective of the FS-MaaS project is to propose the design of a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept for London, and examine its feasibility.

The feasibility study indicates that the introduction of MaaS-London will benefit both the supply and the demand side. It’s a feasible product that can well serve London transport market and contribute to London’s 2020 vision.

InoMobility - MaaS

The main objective of this project is to develop a state-of-the-art agent- and activity-based simulation framework to quantify the impact of new mobility services, technologies and MaaS (e.g. autonomous vehicles, on-demand mobility services, personalized mobility planning) with respect to travel habits, traffic congestion, transportation energy use and emissions.


InoMobility steps on the latest advancements in technology and focuses on representing the complex and dynamic interactions between demand and supply in different levels by providing a simulation tool in which different MaaS and new mobility services business models and operations can be tested and evaluated.

Mobility as a Service Survey

This is an on-line survey that has been designed specifically to explore the current travel choices of individuals and their preferences and reactions towards new mobility services and MaaS. This on-line survey has been applied in London and could be easily customised for any city.

London Mobility Survey

The London Mobility Survey is a smartphone based travel survey that aims study the travel habits of Londoners and their attitudes and preferences towards new mobility solutions and Mobility as a Service.

Integration of Car Sharing and Bike Sharing System: A case study of Taiyuan, China

This project proposes an integrated urban transport system based on car sharing and bike sharing for developing countries using a Chinese city as case study. It will forecast the benefit of such a system to energy savings and climate change mitigation.

Analysing Londoners’ Transitions from Motorised Modes to Cycling

The aim of this project is to analyse the demographic and trip characteristics of cyclists in London to identify the most promising population segments and areas that cycling policies could target.

Exploring the factors affecting Electric Vehicle Purchasing Behaviour in Greater London

This project investigates the factors affecting consumers’ electric vehicle (EV) purchasing behaviour.

By defining consumers’ preference factors, targeted corporate marketing and government policies can be developed to accelerate diffusion of EFV.

MOT tests and Vehicle Miles Travelled

This project provides a novel analysis framework for the spatial aspects of car travel, measured by vehicle miles travelled, extended to include a variable decomposition approach that captures potential asymmetries and hysteresis in a spatial setting.

The results provide support to the car use saturation hypothesis through both the negative VMT trend and the positive impact of motorisation rate that captures car dependence, rather than car use intensity.

Residential Location Choice and Transport Energy Demand

This project uses an integrated modelling approach to capture trade-offs between housing/domestic and transport consumption costs, developing a novel methodological framework to explicitly include energy demand.

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